Handling Login Failure in Auth0

Is there a way to custom handle the login failure scenarios in Auth0?

If the login fails, then there could be three test cases.

  1. The user id doesn’t exist in the identity provider (lets say, AD with LDAP connection), which will need the application to redirect the user to “User Registration” page (This is probably not doable since Auth0 will be in control till the authentication is complete. Adding the link to register the user in the Auth0 login page should solve the purpose here, but want to know if there is an alternate way to redirect directly if Auth0 knows the user doesn’t exist).
  2. The user id is valid, but user mistyped the password, in which case the application should keep the user in the current screen, so that user can try re-logging with the correct password (this is the default behavior of auth0 and no code changes is needed here).
  3. How to lock the account after “N” mistyped passwords?
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I also need this feature.

Hey there!

Terribly sorry for providing help with so delayed reaction! We’re getting sometimes too many questions to provide help to and we’re trying to do our best in covering them. Sorry for the experience!

@jdrake I’ll pass that feature request to our product team as it’s another time someone requested it. Thank you!