October 19, 2024, 5:09pm
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In a previous post, I was asking about the /api/v2/users/{user_id}/refresh-tokens endpoint. I am still stuck on what the best practice should be, as alluded to in my follow up question.
As that post was closed, I’m migrating to a new post with the follow up. (previous post: API Subscription missing entitlement - feature_not_enabled - /api/v2/users/{user_id}/refresh-tokens )
Pardon my ignorance (im new to auth in general so still feeling my way around), but isn’t this ability to query refresh tokens for a user and revoke a token a primitive functionality to maintain a secure application?
For example, I’m prototyping an application that issues tokens to users for use in a web-interface and external scripting tools (i.e. public python api for my backend). For a user to maintain a “good security posture”, they should know what refresh tokens are still valid for their account.
I can track tokens as they are issued with my backend database; however, if my database and Auth0 database get out of sync somehow, a refresh token can “leak” (meaning Auth0 still thinks a refresh token is valid, but my backend database is not aware of it).
I see that the “refresh token rotation” could be an alternative to mitigating the “persistent access with leaked refresh token” risk here. However, I’m currently using the refresh_token itself as an identifier to track the token in my backend database. Which then means, my backend database needs to be a middle man for any refreshing of tokens. Is there a better recommended strategy to generically “identify” a token in my database.
I guess the crux of my statement is that, to minimize risk to “leaked” tokens, I have to attempt to mirror the state of the Auth0 database…which seems complex and error-prone (especially not desireable in the security part of an app ).
Is there a technical limitation/financial reason/etc why Auth0 does not provide the refresh token list/revoke functionality for non-enterprise?
I appreciate your patience and any guidance here while I learn!
Thanks for any assistance!