Getting User Info from Auth, provided by Apple

Trying to get information from registered account, using Apple account. Data literally exists in Json data file. But returns null for the folowing. Would be appreciated for help.
p.s If sign u with google, receive data with no troubles.

  Auth0 auth0 = Auth0(auth0Domain, auth0ClientId);

  // Log in the user
  var credentials =
      await auth0.webAuthentication(scheme: auth0AppScheme).login(
    scopes: {'openid', 'profile', 'email', 'offline_access'},

  // Get the user's information using the access token
  final UserProfile userInfo = credentials.user;


Hi @oleh.rostovtsev

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

I am sorry about the late reply to your inquiry.

Please refer to this community post regarding a similar issue that you are facing. It appears that the given_name and family_name attributes are not accessible in a Dev environment but they are returned in a Prod however.

Let us know if you have any other questions regarding the matter.

Kind Regards,