Getting the refresh token value with auth0-react SDK


I’m using auth0-react SDK and unable to get the value of the refresh token. When monitoring the network request, I can see that the refresh token is included in the /oauth/token response, but when calling getAccessTokenSilently with the detailedResponse:true option, I’m getting everything BUT the refresh token…

Any idea why?

  • Which SDK this is regarding: auth0-react
  • SDK Version: 1.10.1

I appreciate what you did.

Hi @boaz

Thank you for posting your inquiry.

In order to get the value of the refresh token in your response,the Refresh Token grant type from the Advanced Settings of your Application has to be enabled, then make sure you add the scope:offline_access when you make the call to the /authorize endpoint as described in our documentation.

I hope this helped,

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