Getting strange response from my react-native application

hello guys
Recently I encountered an error with my react-native app
and I just can’t log in or sign up using social or a database
getting this error

a0.credential_manager.invalid: No Credentials were previously set.

here are the logs from my application on auth0 website logs section

“description”: “Access denied for user ‘root’@‘’ (using password: YES)”,

hope you can help me with this

thanks in advance

Hey @salah.amse !

Which version of the SDK are you using?

If you use the Management API to get the client by client_id , in the respone what is the value for token_endpoint_auth_method?

thanks for the answer
I am using “react-native-auth0”: “^2.17.2”,

for token_endpoint_auth_method for Auth0 Management API it was “Client Secret (Post)” i have changed it to none

for token_endpoint_auth_method for my native application, it was “none”

still getting the same error

Hey @salah.amse thanks for confirming!

  • Does this happen on iOS, Android or both?
  • Can you please double check you are using the correct keys (from your native app in Auth0) to instantiate the SDK?
  • What happens if you create a new native application and use those credentials?
  • Lastly, are you able to reproduce in our react-native sample app?

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