Getting error while bulk user import / user import even after providing correct values

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“user”: {
“email”: “”,
“email_verified”: true,
“user_id”: “custom|67891”,
“custom_password_hash”: {
“algorithm”: “bcrypt”,
“hash”: {
“value”: “",
“encoding”: “base64”
“salt”: {
“value”: "
“position”: “prefix”
“errors”: [
“code”: “ONE_OF_MISSING”,
“message”: “”,
“path”: “custom_password_hash”

I am getting this error while user import.

my values are as :

Salt as base64: xKuLWAeuFfCXUQlNbLS3yRAtyNfgi+Q3pPmTBFKlqpM=

Hash as base64: SkRKaEpERXdKSEV5V21jeE4yMVViR3BoWmxoUmJqRnlZbHBzY25WcE5rRnFhazlDUzBkMmJHdFpkWFJUT0dWT2MzUkVjMUZ6V1VGdVRFcDU=

Hi @kumar-shikhar_ukg ,

Could you please verify you bcrypt value follow below specification?


        "email": "",
        "email_verified": false,
        "custom_password_hash": {
            "algorithm": "bcrypt",
            "hash": {
                "value": "$2b$10$C9hB01.YxRSTcn/ZOOo4j.TW7xCKKFKBSF.C7E0xiUwumqIDqWUXG"

You probably don’t need to pass salt value explicitly. Please check the encoding as well.

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Yes, with another template withouth salt, user gets imported.
Another question on top of this… does auth0 support becypt in custompassword hash tree with hash and salt tags ??