I’m trying to get /userinfo using the .Net SDK AuthenticationApiClient, but I can only get the I allways end up with the ApiException: Unauthorized
In the Startup I have the options.Scope.Add("openid");
in my scopes.
My code itself:
public object UserInformation { get { if(_userInformation == null) { string accessToken = _User.Claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == "access_token").Value; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(accessToken)) { var apiClient = new AuthenticationApiClient(new Uri("https://xxx.eu.auth0.com")); var userInfo = apiClient.GetUserInfoAsync(accessToken).Result; this._userInformation = userInfo; } } return this._userInformation; } }
I’ve spent many hours now scouring the docs and other resources, and could really use a pointer right now