Getting a error on integrating Auth0 on Ionic Angular

I am following the article: Auth0 Ionic & Capacitor (Angular) SDK Quickstarts: Login

It only works for one time and when I click on Login again and I see a following console error

Failed to launch ‘io.ionic.starter://’ because the scheme does not have a registered handler.

What am I doing wrong?

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Any solution? this example not working

I believe I was testing this on web so if I test this on real device, it might work. If you want to integrate Auth0 on web, I followed a different example and it worked

Do not follow the quick start guide. It will not work.
Download the example from the quick start guide and follow it and it will work.

Also if you are using capacitor and testing on web, you need to add the localhost url with comma separated to allowed call back urls and allowed logout urls.

Example: Allowed Logout URL,


Thanks for sharing that with the rest of community!