Callback never handled for Ionic app using Auth0 SDK

  • Which SDK this is regarding: auth0-angular
  • SDK Version: 1.9.0
  • Platform Version: IOS / Android (Ionic)


We are implementing Auth0 authentication to an Mobile application that runs Ionic Angular. We are trying to authenticate from Azure AD.

We are bypassing the universal login using the connection parameter inside the SDK (passed in GET /authorize) and everthing is fine until here.

After authenticated from Azure, we are redirected to our app (Redirect URI : http://localhost:4200) but as written in the documentation (Auth0 Ionic & Capacitor (Angular) SDK Quickstarts: Login) we should handle the callback by using the App plugin and the even ‘appUrlOpen’ but this one never seems to occur.

To verify this we put a log before and just after the line App.addListener('appUrlOpen', ({ url }) => { but we never enter this.

Has anyone encountered this issue or know what’s causing it ?

Hi, your redirect URI should be


This must be in your Allowed Callbacks in your auth0 settings and in your AuthModule import parameters in your app.component.ts file. It should be similar to launching your app from a deep link.

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