getAccessTokenSilently - new token on each call?

I am using React SDK.


This is provided code from tutorial. Each time I get token, it is new (every time new iat). Is it correct behaviour? Each time I need to wait extra time (communication between authorization server and my app). I though that token is being cached in memory and I can use it until its expiration, and when it is expires, i get new using refresh token.

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Hi @alt1,

The token should be cached like you describe. You should only see a new token if it is expired of if you are using the ignoreCache option.

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Thanks for the answer. Yes, this is what said in documentation too.
But for some reasons it is always new. I decode and print access_token on profile page (for testing purposes), and each time I press the Profile link in header, I get a new token.

ignoreCache not used. Can be somehow a reason the fact I am working on localhost?

It usually works fine on LH.

Have you changed the token expiration?

Closing as inactive.