GET group members API broken

i am trying get members of the group, but api return with erros status code 500.

i am following the documentation on this link: Authorization Extension API Explorer

for obtein token i am using this request

  "statusCode": 500,
  "error": "Internal Server Error",
  "message": "An internal server error occurred"

For generate the token i am using this request:

POST https://my-url/oauth/token
“audience”:“my audience”,
“client_id”:“my client id”,
client_secret":“my client secret”

in the scope of the response:

"scope": "read:users read:applications read:connections read:configuration update:configuration read:groups create:groups update:groups delete:groups read:roles create:roles update:roles delete:roles read:permissions create:permissions update:permissions delete:permissions read:resource-server create:resource-server update:resource-server delete:resource-server",

That’s weird. Can you give it a go in a few minutes again? Not sure if this could be impacted by our recent outage: Authentication and Management API down for a percentage of tenants • Auth0 Status Page

I believe that this is not the problem, because I’ve been having this problem for a few days.

on the platform the request works.
I did a test using the token used in the platform request, and it worked. However, with the token I generate in the request above, error 500 is returned as mentioned above.

Got it. Let me research that and get back to you as soon as I find something. Can you send me your tenant name via private message as well? Thanks!

Hey there!

Can I ask you to share with me the code snippet you use for obtaining the token? Thanks!

Hey there!

Have you had a chance to see my previous message?

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