GET /api/v2/connections/:id does not return "is_domain_connection" property

Although it is possible to set/unset this property using PATCH, the GET on /api/v2/connections/:id does not return is_domain_connection property.

I kind of reproduced the problem you described; I say kind of because I reproduced the issue at /api/v2/connections/:id and I’m assuming the fact that the original question refers to /api/v2/clients/:id was just a copy/paste typo so will update the question.

In relation to the issue at the connections endpoint I reported it internally and is now being tracked in the backlog. Thanks for reporting this situation.

Yes @jmangelo you are right, the title of the question was misleading, thanks for fixing it.
Thanks for letting me know about the issue tracking.

Yes @jmangelo you are right, the title of the question was misleading, thanks for fixing it.
Thanks for letting me know about the issue tracking.