Flutter PKCE config auth0

I followed the auth0 integration tutorial on flutter and I have this error :

**E/PKCE ( 4466): Unable to complete authentication with PKCE. PKCE support can be enabled by setting Application Type to ‘Native’ and Token Endpoint Authentication Method to ‘None’ for this app at ‘https:// … configpage’ **
( 4466): [ERROR:flutter/runtime/dart_vm_initializer.cc(41)] Unhandled Exception: access_denied: Unauthorized

My app is native on auth0.com and I have no Available Credentials selected

Here is my config :
**manifestPlaceholders = [auth0Domain: “dev-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.us.auth0.com”, auth0Scheme: “flutterdemo”] **
applicationId “com.auth0.clicker”

And my callback URL :

method : final credentials = await widget.auth0.webAuthentication(scheme: “flutterdemo”).login(redirectUrl : ‘flutterdemo://dev-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.us.auth0.com/android/com.auth0.clicker/callback’);

I think I forgot something but I don’t know what … anyone have a solution ?

PS : I already identified myself previously but my callback URL was bad. So I don’t know if the problem occurs during automatic identification or not.

Hello there @jeremals welcome to the community!

Just to be sure, can you confirm that the application type for the client id being configured in your Flutter app is set to Native in your Auth0 dashboard?

I might also recommend taking a look at our Flutter sample app and configuring it using the same client id, callback url, scheme, etc. to see if you can reproduce the error there - This might help us narrow down any potential issue.



Thank you for your answer.

My configuration seems correct and I have “native” selected on the dashboard :


I also have this line above the error that I forgot on my first post :

D/OAuthManager(22210): The parsed CallbackURI contains the following parameters: [code, state]
V/CustomTabsController(22210): Trying to unbind the service
E/PKCE (22210): Unable to complete authentication with PKCE. PKCE support can be enabled by setting Application Type to ‘Native’ and Token Endpoint Authentication Method to ‘None’ for this app at ‘https://manage.auth0.com/#/applications/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/settings’.
E/flutter (22210): [ERROR:flutter/runtime/dart_vm_initializer.cc(41)] Unhandled Exception: access_denied: Unauthorized
I/m.auth0.clicke(22210): oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4

but :


My bad :sweat_smile:


Hey @jeremals thanks for following up :white_check_mark: - That’s interesting, the Native app type in my dashboard doesn’t have the credentials tab. It’s set to none by default :thinking:

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