Flutter auth0 logout exception: "a0.authentication_canceled: The user closed the browser app so the logout was cancelled."

Hi, I’m trying to logout from auth0 using auth0_flutter, but instead getting exception from the title.

Before exception I see this URL in log, which seems fine to me:
D/LogoutManager(25194): Using the following Logout URI: AUTH0_DOMAIN/v2/logout?auth0Client=Auth0Client%3D&returnTo=AUTH0_REDIRECT_URI&client_id=AUTH0_CLIENT_ID

This is my logout implementation:

await _auth0
          .webAuthentication(scheme: _environmentParamsService.getScheme())
            returnTo: _environmentParamsService.getAuth0RedirectUrl(),

And here is a code for login:

await _auth0.webAuthentication(
        scheme: _environmentParamsService.getScheme()
        audience: _environmentParamsService.getAudience(),
        parameters: {
          'prompt': 'login',

Any tips please?

Hi @borko,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Can you confirm what device you using - Android or iOS? Can you also provide the Flutter SDK version you are using as well?


Mary Beth

I’m using Android device and Flutter SDK: 3.24.3.

In the meantime I moved to flutter_web_auth and it works well. I couldn’t see some important differences between implementations and for now I’ll leave it.

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