Hi, I’m trying to logout from auth0 using auth0_flutter
, but instead getting exception from the title.
Before exception I see this URL in log, which seems fine to me:
D/LogoutManager(25194): Using the following Logout URI: AUTH0_DOMAIN/v2/logout?auth0Client=Auth0Client%3D&returnTo=AUTH0_REDIRECT_URI&client_id=AUTH0_CLIENT_ID
This is my logout implementation:
await _auth0
.webAuthentication(scheme: _environmentParamsService.getScheme())
returnTo: _environmentParamsService.getAuth0RedirectUrl(),
And here is a code for login:
await _auth0.webAuthentication(
scheme: _environmentParamsService.getScheme()
audience: _environmentParamsService.getAudience(),
parameters: {
'prompt': 'login',
Any tips please?