Feature request: Allow to land on the Universal Login page where a passkey can be selected when using the login_hint parameter

Allow to land on the Universal Login page where a passkey can be selected when using the login_hint parameter.

We use Auth0 to authenticate some users, while other users have to keep using our old authentication system. For this we have a custom sign in page where a user enter his email address; if this user is supposed to authenticate with our Auth0 tentant we’re using the /authorize endpoint to redirect the user to Universal Login.

I’m using the /authorize endpoint’s login_hint query string parameter so the user doesn’t have to enter his email address again.

The page that loads looks like this:

Some of our users will use a passkey to authenticate. Now, if they want to select a passkey, they have to click the Edit button in the email address field (Bewerken in the screenshot above):

We want a way to land immediately on this last screen.

Improve UX for people who want to use a passkey to authenticate.

See also