Failed to load script file

When I’m trying to sign using auth0 in my NEXT app, I’m getting this(please check the picture below) error message for a couple of seconds and everything is normal after that.
I have used the exact same steps mentioned in the docs. someone, please help me?

Hi @voletirajkumar,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

I understand that you have encountered the Failed to load script error briefly when logging in to your app.

After testing this myself locally, I did not encounter this issue. However, I found a related Github Issue regarding this problem with a provided solution:

Could you please try the recommended solution and see if that resolves your issue?

Thank you.

Thank you for the response. It worked

Can I please know how can I change →
“Log in to dev-nz-te1ba to continue to ClassRoom” to
“Log in to continue to ClassRoom”
here (below welcome)

Hi @voletirajkumar,

Thank you for your response.

I’m glad it worked!

Now, to customize the text on your New Universal Login page, you’ll need to change the description in the Customize New Universal Login Text Prompts text prompt.

To do so, you’ll need to run a command like this:

curl --request PUT \
  --url 'https://YOUR_DOMAIN/api/v2/prompts/login/custom-text/en' \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer MGMT_API_ACCESS_TOKEN' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{ "login": { "description": "YOUR_DESCRIPTION_HERE" } }'

After doing so, your New Universal Login page will have the new description updated.

Please let me know if there’s anything else I can do to help.

Thank you.

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