Facebook login on iOS violates Developer Policy 6.1

Hi there,

A Facebook review of my iOS app is being rejected for violated Developer Policy 6.1.

Specifically the reviewer has said…

“While reviewing we were unable to process as sign up option is leading to browser, where we have Facebook login”

I’ve manually tested on multiple devices and found it works just fine. Are they saying that the fact Auth0 redirects to the browser to login violates the policy?


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I have the same problem. Were you able to resolve this issue @tombrown91? Tested myself and the facebook login on iOS is working as expected through the browser, but that seems to be the issue for facebook, that they do not want it to go through the browser.


Were you able to solve this? FB just flagged my account after it’s been like this for years.

Hi team!

If you have an issue with the Facebook Developer Policy, please check this guide for adding Facebook Login to Native Apps. → Add Facebook Login to Native Apps


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