Every Adblock is blocking the Auth0 Domain

Dear Auth0 Community, I have just encountered a problem while developing my application. First of all, localhost works without any problems. However, as soon as I deploy it to my server I have the problem that certain routes of my React application do not work. While investigating and trying to fix the bug, I realized that every adblocker is unfortunately blocking the Auth0 domain. What is the best way to fix this problem? Do I have to buy an extra level at Auth0 to be able to specify my own domain?

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I have the same problem with a ublock source plugin for Chrome/Firefox. I can’t complete the new universal login process with a React app. How can I fix that?

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Hey there @lbarbosa !

Im not entirely sure what can be done on the Auth0 side of things, but perhaps you can add your tenant domain to the allow list? You can always use a custom domain but I’m not entirely sure that will address the problem either.