Error when request to Management API with my custom domain

When I try to post request to Management API with my custom domain (e.g ) I’m getting SSL handshake (SSL certification error) exception. Is anything missed in my configuration?

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Not entirely sure what do you mean by that. /oauth/token is not a management api endpoint. Can you clarify which endpoint are you calling and show us a sample request (without the confidential values of course)?

Hi @ashish,

I’m not calling the Management API endpoint. I mentioned it wrongly in my previous message. I apologize.
Actually I’m trying for access token endpoint with the code parameter (which I received in my callback endpoint).
                    .header("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")                  .body("grant_type=authorization_code&client_id=$authClientId&client_secret=$authClientSecret&code=$authorizationCode&redirect_uri=$redirectUri")

While I’m trying to access /oauth/token endpoint with my custom domain I’m getting SSL handshake certification error. If I use the auth0 domain instead of my custom domain it’s working fine. Is anything need to be configured more?