Error description changes upon Disabling Cache in AD Enterprise connection

My project uses an AD Enterprise connection with multiple Connectors installed on different machines for Authentication.
When I toggle on the ‘Disable Cache’ button in the Connection configuration, I get ‘Wrong email or password.’ error on the login screen for whatever LDAP error happens. The same reflects in the Auth0 logs but the connector logs show ‘Authentication attempt failed. Reason: password change is required’.
But when I turn I keep the ‘Disable Cache’ disabled, I can view distinct error messages based on LDAP error codes such as ‘Password change required.’ in the login screen.
My project requirement is to not store/cache credentials in Auth0 but we also need to view distinct error message descriptions as well. Please suggest on what can be done to achieve the same. Thanks in advance.

Hey there @nirmalkrishnan.c, I would be happy to look into this for you. I’ll let you know what I find :+1:

However in the mean time can you direct message me the tenant name you are working with?

Hi James, I have messaged you the tenant name.

After inspecting the tenant closer I don’t see a direct breakdown. Would it be possible to perform a HAR file capture of the broken workflow when Disabling Cache is enabled and direct message it over? Please be sure to select “Preserve log” to catch redirects, thanks!

I wanted to follow up on this front @nirmalkrishnan.c and find out if we had any news on capturing the HAR file? Thanks in advance!

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