Enable Default audience per application instead of tenant wise

Feature: Allow default audience for client credentials flow for each application

As of now, default audience can only be allowed for the whole tenant instead of application basis. Few tools does not support additional parameter to be passed while requesting access token from Machine to Machine Applications. Which results in error from auth0. The only option available to resolve this is to enable default audience which enabled it for the whole tenant not only for that specific application. I would like a feature where I can simply enable default audience for every application.

We are trying to put an integration platform before auth0 management interface to have control over the users being populated and have an standardised solution. The integration platform supports client credentials grant but does not allow additional parameters to be passed while requesting the token. Which results into error.

Hey there @shobhit thanks for the feedback, always appreciated. Let’s hope this gets some traction with other community members! :arrow_up:

Hey maybe this would help out - I just set up auth0 with 8 different applications including machine to machine and leave the tennant default audience blank, seems to do the trick. Cheers!

Hey @rmourey26,

Could you provide a little more detail on how you achieved this?

I have my tenant set up with no default audience. When I exclude the audience parameter on a token request I get the following request/response:

GET https://<auth0.domain>/oauth/token
    "grant_type": "client_credentials",
    "client_id": "OMITTED",
    "client_secret": "OMITTED"
    "error": "access_denied",
    "error_description": "No audience parameter was provided, and no default audience has been configured"

+1 for this feature. Would be useful especially when using a single Auth0 tenant for multiple tools/services on different domains or so.

+1. Even Microsoft does not support this field. Will need to create a custom proxy just for this…