Embedded Magiclink error: The link must be opened on the same device and browser from which you submitted your email address

Hey all,
I’m using embedded passwordless logins on Auth0, sending a PasswordlessStart request to auth0, thats working all well and good, a link gets sent to the user.

The issues arise when the user clicks the link, the page they are brought to has a “The link must be opened on the same device and browser from which you submitted your email address.”, even when opened on the same device.

I have some theories on why this may be occuring:
-Something isnt playing nice within node and causing a weird issue where auth0 thinks that the link is coming from a different browser.
-Auth0 logs show that an email is being sent, but not being clicked on, the flag within the logs shows that is_signup is true, even when its a user whos details are in our database (our backend db is not connected to auth0), this could be a factor but the URL shows the correct redirect address so I’m uncertain if this is a factor or not.

Many thanks for assisstance, im happy to provide more information if required.