Email sent although verify_email field is false

Hi @ron.p,

Thank you for your response and clarification.

After testing further in a Passwordless Email User scenario, I found that the Verification Email is not supported for Passwordless Email users.

When I created a new Passwordless Email User using "verify_email": false, I did not receive any verification emails. Similarly, I did not receive any verification emails when creating a new Passwordless Email user with the "verify_email" property omitted, with the payload below:

  "connection": "email",
  "email": ""

This is consistent with my findings when trying to send a Verification Email using the Management API’s Send an email address verification email endpoint to a Passwordless Email User:

With that, I can confirm that creating Passwordless Email users will not send any verification emails to the users.

I hope this helps!

Please let me know if you are still encountering issues or have further questions.

Thank you.