Email based OTP MFA


I want to provide email based OTP as 2nd factor for authentication.
I know email can be used along with another MFA but can it be used standalone?

Documentation says its not supported but is there any workaround to do this? Like a custom hook or something?


Hi @bluegene14,

Welcome to the Community!

There isn’t a built-in way to do it with the Dashboard UI. You should be able to disable all other factors via the management API, which would automatically enroll users whose email is verified in email MFA as the only factor.

I haven’t tested this, and it isn’t something we officially support, so this advice should be taken with a grain of salt.

According to our blog post about the initial email MFA release, this is something that we may support in the future. If you want to nudge things along, you can create a feature request for it here.

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