Eliminating extra permission request in ReactJS implementation

Sucessfully implemented Auth0 on a new React Client that is replacing an old .NET MVC application.

However, there is a difference which is irritating to our customers.

On the .NET implementation, when a user signed up with their email it went straight back to the website.

In React, when a user signs up, they get an OAuth permission window asking if it’s ok to share their information with us. This is still just email, it’s not a Google, Facebook, or any other outside provider.

I followed the creation instructions exactly, how do I prevent this?

Message details for clarity:

Authorize App

ta@avila.ai Avila

Hi ta@avila.ai,

Avila is requesting access to your Avila account.

Hi @avila and welcome to the Auth0 Community! :star_struck: :tada:

It looks like your users are hitting the consent screen since it’s their first time authenticating with that application. Have you checked out these community articles that goes into bypassing the consent screen?

Those resources should get you up and running, but do reach out if you hit a snag and we’ll be here to help out!

Best Regards,

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Perfect, thanks Colin!

Looks like the problem was also largely the localhost. When I moved to a ppe server in the cloud it stopped asking for it. Maybe a comprehensive guide would be nice so people don’t pull their hair out wondering why their configurations are right, but the screen is still there?