Do Angular Instructions Work?

*** I created a brand new account with a different email with AUTH0 and everything work as expected **** NOT SURE WHAT THE ISSUE IS NOW!!
I am following the Angular SDK instructions, I get redirected, but isAutheticated$ always return false, I subscribed to the error observable and I get the following ID token is required but missing…

Application LOGIN URI = blank (I put nothing here)
Allowed Callback URL = http://localhost:4200/home
Allowed Logout URLS = http://localhost:4200
Allowed Web Origins = http://localhost:4200/home

Do I need the audience? This is just a new angular 16 app out the box

the user$ is also returning null

Hi @Maccurt,

It sounds like you were able to get this working after creating a new account. I’m going to mark it as resolved, but please feel free to respond if needed.

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