Distributed application supported

Does Auth0 support authentication and authorising in a distributed application?
Front end running serverside React app for UI components on domain a.com and back end business logic on a node app running on domain b.com. The node app needs to know the user credentials and role.
If this is supported is there a tutorial/ documentation ?


Hi @rationem,

Thanks for reaching out to the Auth0 Community!

I understand you would like to know if Auth0 Supports authentication and authorization.

Yes, we offer both authentication and authorization in the Auth0 Product. I recommend checking out our Auth0 React SDK Quickstarts: Add Login to your React App which has an example application and a guide on adding authentication using our Auth0 React SDK.

I would also recommend reading the following resources regarding authorization:

Please let me know if there’s anything else I can do to help.


Hi - I can see and have a working example of Auth0 working for React. My use case is with a React frontend and a node (NextJs) API with all the business logic. I cannot see how to have the API authentication working with the React one so the API rest call requires logged in user and their role . I believe this is ‘backend for frontend’ scenario. Is there an example of this use case?

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Hi @rationem,

Thank you for your reply.

Yes, our Auth0 Node (Express) API SDK Quickstarts: Add authorization to an Express.js API application is a great place to start.

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to reach out again.
