Hi, I am using auth0 login for react app. I also have my backend on express, which I have protected using steps mentioned here - Auth0 Node (Express) API SDK Quickstarts: Authorization. I am confused and unable to call the protected backend route from my react frontend. Also I am confused with how to deal with 2 separate auth0 applications on my react front end - one to manage login. second one to call auth0 protected backend API on express. Any help will deeply be appreciated. I am sure it is quite a common use case.
When I try to use this - Auth0 React SDK Quickstarts: Call an API, then the user.email becomes undefined. It happens on adding the audience and scope. Is there a way to still preserve the user.email instead and use this? Also there seems to be a token mismatch between the token fetched using getTokenSilently
redirect_uri: window.location.origin,
audience: {audience},
scope: {scope},
<App />