Disable "Authorize App" step in passwordless email sign up flow

We are using the passwordless email connection and trying to disable / remove the “Authorize App” pop up that occurs after the user enters their 6-digit code for the first time.
Here’s the current flow -

  • When a user signs up they enter their email using the Identifier First flow
  • They are sent a 6-digit code
  • They enter that code successfully
  • They are prompted to “Authorize App” which says
    [Account] is requesting access to your [Application] account.
  • Current _user: read your current_user
  • Current user metadata: update your
    current user metadata
  • The user must then click “Accept”

Based on other topic threads, we’ve confirmed that the Application is turned “on” under Passwordless Connections > Email. Any ideas on how to disable this step so that users are just directed to the application after they enter their code? Thanks!

Hi @tourad , thank you for describing your problem!

This pop up is present only one time and tells the API associated with the app (and registered in Auth0) wants to interact with the Auth0 user profile. If this is unwanted, you can disable it by going to

Auth0 tenant -> Applications -> API -> select the relevant API -> Settings -> and select Allow skipping User Consent.

Please let us know if that worked for you!

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This worked! Thank you!! :slight_smile:

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