Difference in dump for same app in two different tenants


We are having a dev and production tenant that we keeping in sync. When dumping config from both tenants there is a difference in the json file for two identical applications.

From development tenant it looks like:

  "is_token_endpoint_ip_header_trusted": false,
  "name": "ClientName",
  "is_first_party": true,
  "oidc_conformant": true,
  "sso_disabled": false,
  "cross_origin_auth": false,
  "refresh_token": {
    "expiration_type": "non-expiring",
    "leeway": 0,
    "infinite_token_lifetime": true,
    "infinite_idle_token_lifetime": true,
    "token_lifetime": 31557600,
    "idle_token_lifetime": 2592000,
    "rotation_type": "non-rotating"
  "jwt_configuration": {
    "alg": "RS256",
    "lifetime_in_seconds": 36000,
    "secret_encoded": false
  "token_endpoint_auth_method": "client_secret_post",
  "app_type": "non_interactive",
  "grant_types": [
  "custom_login_page_on": true

in production it has more information added:

  "is_token_endpoint_ip_header_trusted": false,
  "name": "ClientName",
  "is_first_party": true,
  "oidc_conformant": true,
  "sso_disabled": false,
  "cross_origin_auth": false,
  "refresh_token": {
    "expiration_type": "non-expiring",
    "idle_token_lifetime": 2592000,
    "infinite_idle_token_lifetime": true,
    "infinite_token_lifetime": true,
    "leeway": 0,
    "token_lifetime": 31557600,
    "rotation_type": "non-rotating"
  "allowed_clients": [],
  "callbacks": [],
  "native_social_login": {
    "apple": {
      "enabled": false
    "facebook": {
      "enabled": false
  "jwt_configuration": {
    "alg": "RS256",
    "lifetime_in_seconds": 36000,
    "secret_encoded": false
  "client_aliases": [],
  "token_endpoint_auth_method": "client_secret_post",
  "app_type": "non_interactive",
  "grant_types": [

  "custom_login_page_on": true

Comparing in Araxis diff tool:

Why is there a difference in those two dumps when configuration is exactly the same in the GUI? Note that it is only for some of the applications that there is a difference, most of them are similar.

Hi @emil.enemaerke,

Would you please DM me the tenant names and client IDs for the two applications? I would like to take a look.

I was able to recreate the native social login diffs by turning on native social login, then turning it off. This suggests that maybe someon was testing native social login in the application that has the extra params, but ultimately turned those settings off.

Would that be a possible scenario?

I can see in our git history that it has been tuned on at some point in time and then turned off again. So your assumption seems correct.

Let us know if you have any other questions.

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