Difference Between Localization Parameters in Actions

Problem statement

This article explains the difference between the following localization-related parameters available in Actions.

  • event.request.language
  • event.transaction.locale
  • event.transaction.ui_locales


  • event.request.language
    • The languages requested by the browser. Namely, the ones specified in the Accept-Language header.
  • event.transaction.locale
    • The locale that is used to display the page and process the transaction.
  • event.transaction.ui_locales
    • The languages requested using the ui_locales query parameter. (i.e. /authorize?ui_locales=fr-FR)

The New Universal Login Page decides which language to present based on the language the browser requested (event.request.language ), the one specified using query parameter (event.transaction.ui_locales ,) and tenant-supported languages.

For more information about tenant-supported languages, please see Set tenant supported languages.

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