Diagnostic logs from Actions



Is there a recommended way (for better performance, low cost) of sending the diagnostics logs to external providers like ELK from Auth0 actions?

This documentation has an image which shows Elastic Security as one of the streams. But I don’t see that in our tenant. In fact, many of those streams are not present. Is there any additional step to have them listed on our tenant?

Thanks in advance.

~ Selva

Hey @Selva :wave:

I don’t have experience using this myself, but I see that there is “Elastic Security” log streaming integration available if you search for it within the Auth0 Marketplace that has installation instructions using a custom webhook - https://marketplace.auth0.com/integrations/elastic-security

The Log Streaming integrations for other external providers can be seen here: https://marketplace.auth0.com/features/log-streaming

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