Delete second account

Hello, I am writing with a problem about my two auth0 accounts, I have primary account with tenant for testing my learning application, bud today I accidently created another account via same email. Now I cannot log to my primary accout with tenant.

I would like to ask you to delete accdently created account and keep active my primary account.

Hi @lachmanmik14,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

It is impossible to create a new account with the same email as they can only be used once for creating an account unique to your email address.

If you managed to create 2 accounts, it may be the case that you have created them once with your email address + password, and then again with a Social provider like Google.

In any case, you should be able to log out from your initial account, and log in to your preferred one.

Let me also mention that you should create different tenants for your use, for example, one for production, staging, and development.

I hope this helps!

Please let me know how this goes for you.


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