Customize MFA screen with other HTML elements

I see that one can override the Universal Login Experience by checking the “Customize MFA Page”, but then you get the classic HTML as a base to do your modifications on.

Wouldn’t it make more sense that we get the Universal Login Experience MFA HTML and we can do the required changes from there?

I have a new requirement to add just an anchor ref and I cannot do it because when I edit the HTML the whole styling change which is a no-go.

Hi @pmorelli

Welcome back to the Auth0 Community!

When you toggle in the Customize MFA Page, you enable the classic Universal Login Experience. If you want to edit the Universal Login, you can follow the docs about that here → Customize Universal Login


Hi @dawid.matuszczyk

I don’t think I am able to do that. For example I was able to use the “custom prompt” to change a text on the enrollment page but not to add an that redirects the customer back to the login.

Screenshot 2024-09-02 at 09.14.10

The documentation is not clear enough, can you provide a concrete example on how to do what I want?
