Hi, I 'm looking for the property name to configure it in tenant.yaml for the option on Security/Multi factor auth/‘Customize MFA Factors using actions’
Can you point me to the right documentation , since I cannot find any with this property
Hi @nebojsa.tasic
Welcome to the Auth0 Community!
I believe the Resource-specific Documentation should provide information on the matter, if you haven’t checked it out yet.
In addition, please take a look at the following GitHub sample as a reference point, which does include triggers.
Hope this helped!
Hi Gerald,
thank you for the fast reply but this does not solve the problem. I was browsing and searching the web and could not find the property I was looking for. Is there a comprehensive schema with all properties existing? Example from github is short version of that I believe.
I found the property which I was looking for:
customize_mfa_in_postlogin_action: true
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Thank you for sharing with the Community, glad to hear this has now been resolved!
Have a great one!