I am trying to hide password field from signup page, as i want to ask users to set there password.
At the time of user registration, i want to inject random password, instead of asking from users to add there password.
Expected flow :
User will goes to Signup Page(Auth0 Default)
they will enter there (Name, Email id)
On there email id, reset password mail will trigger(I have used Action workflow for that, its working fine to send reset password mail)
I will create New action workflow to assign "post-user-signup users a role as well.
after setup password, they can able to use application.
I have checked Universal Login, Classic Login, auth0-lock, but none of them giving any option to hide Password Field.
I found Auth0-lock helps to add new columns via “additionalSignUpFields” but not for removing password field.
I have looked around for a bit and I believe we do not support the removal of the password field on signup in the use-case that you described.
We can however implement a similar behavior with a Passwordless Connection, which can either be through SMS or Email.
In case you’re interested to read more on this, you can check out the Best Practices documentation for Passwordless Connections as well.
Outside of this, you might be interested in Home Realm Discovery as well, which removes the need for a password on Auth0’s side and redirects their authentication to an external IdP.
Unless I happen to be missing something, these should be the only ways of removing the password and still being able to authenticate users in Auth0 at the moment.