Customise Universal Login with search params

We’re interested in displaying multiple different versions of our login screen to incorporate branding for different clients. We are currently using the Universal Login screen in the no-code editor and we’re very happy with the way that things look at the moment.

Ideally, we’d like to be able to pass some additional query parameters to the login screen to customize certain text, colours and images depending on where our user comes from. Is this at all possible in the no-code version of the login screen that we are currently using?

From reading online documentation, I suspect that we may need to create a custom HTML login. Is it possible to use the current version of our login screen as a base? It seems a shame to have to re-design everything from scratch when we are so happy with the current version.

Hi @david.cook,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

I recommend checking out our Using Custom Query Parameters in the New Universal Login Experience knowledge solution for more information.

Let me know if you have any questions.


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Thanks very much. Do you know if it’s possible to adjust the theme based on these custom parameters? Ideally I could set the logo (which I can see is possible) and the theme colours.

Hi @david.cook,

Yes, it is possible to customize the Classic Universal Login experience by accessing the query parameters with config.extraParams.

Using a conditional statement, you can then set your preferred logo and theme colors dynamically based on these parameters.


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