Custom sender in passwordless/start

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Hi, im using /passwordless/start to send SMS connection code to my clients.
Is there any way to configure the sender inside this api? I need to configure it manualy every time im sending the SMS with my SMS provider.

Hi @mcloha

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Thank you for posting your question. Unfortunately, the /passwordless/start API endpoint does not currently support directly setting a custom sender when sending SMS connection codes.

Available workaround to this could be the usage of Custom SMS Gateway that would take a role of proxy and transform your request to the desired outcome. Make sure to follow this guide β†’ Set Up Custom SMS Gateway for Passwordless Connections and align your proxy layer to the request from Auth0 properly.


Thanks for your reply. Actually I already configured the custom sms gateway and it works pretty well, but I have to add some additional context when triggering the passwordleas/start endpoint so my sms gateway will receive it. It’s just business logic context that I need to implement before sending the sms message.

Is there some header or parameter that I can pass to passwordleas/start request (like x-custom-context) so it will be on the request that triggers my custom sms gateway endpoint?

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