Custom error messages Universal Login PHP SDK

I am using the PHP SDK in order to create a login session. We use the new Universal login. What im trying to do is to customize the error messages a user can get when entering wrong password or duplicate email address. I have turned of the generic response in Auth0 settings.

I have tried to change the key between options and guzzle_options like in this image. With no success, I still se the the general error message upon entering wrong credentials while trying to login (see second image “Fel e-postadress eller lösenord”). Should be “TEST TEST”

Is it better to create some kind of Rule in order to get control over some error messages in the Universal Login?

Skärmavbild 2020-12-10 kl. 13.36.32

Hi @dick.tornfeldt,

It looks like you are referencing this doc.

The language dictionary options must be changed in the dashboard under the universal login settings. Go to

Ahhh okey, so the new Universal Login doesn’t have same type of on the fly customization I understand this as? Anyways, thanks for the answer :slight_smile:

New UL can be customized via API calls. Here is the doc:

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Thank you for the support!

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No problem! Let us know if you run into anything else.

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