Custom claim appears when decoding access token but not in custom claims object

I have rule that adds some custom claims to the access token for authorization purposes. Mostly just a custom roles claim and 2 custom claims for organisations.
And when decoding the access token all of my custom claims appear. Like this screenshot from

However, when outputing the custom claims list in my local Flutter SDK only 2 of the 3 custom claims seem to be there? Is this some kind of bug orso or am I missing something?

Schermafbeelding 2024-07-23 195008

Hi @mdebruin93,

I have reviewed the screenshot of your claims and noticed that you have non-namespaced claims in your token.

However, access tokens with an Auth0 API audience, excluding the /userinfo endpoint, cannot have private, non-namespaced custom claims. (Reference: Create Custom Claims)

So, in this situation, you will need to make changes to your script to use namespace custom claims.

I suggest referring to our Adding custom claims to tokens knowledge solution.

Let me know how if you have any questions.


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