Connection rest by peer

From my Spring-boot application, i am trying to get information of user details through management API.
When i try to get information from my local i can get it.

I have deployed the project in openshift and trying to test the application. From Openshift environment i couldnt able to get the user informations.

Is it because of my free account or something missing from my code?

Hello, @sakthiaji77 - welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Even though we can’t do a full review of your code, I’d like to help you troubleshoot this a bit.

Could you please specify the error(s) that you are getting when trying this out?

This should not be a limitation on your account because of the paying level.

Hi @joseantonio.rey, Thanks for you response!

I am getting Error as,
Caused by: Connection reset by peer

Failed to execute request with root cause connect timed out

Hi @sakthiaji77

This means the application is not able to make a TCP connection to the management API. There may be a firewall between the backend and the management API, or you may have the domain name wrong…
