Configuring integration with Snowflake

Hi there. I am looking at the Snowflake documentation for configuring integration with Auth0. Snowflake is asking for the following pieces of information. Anyone has any idea where I can get these or configure them from my Auth0 tenant?

Issuer URL:
RSA Public Key: (I have figured this out. It is my Auth0 URL in the /pem subdirectory)
Audience URL:
Scope attribute:
User attribute:
Snowflake User attribute:

My apologies. Please ignore “Audience URL”, and “Snowflake User attribute” from that list. These can be retrieved from Snowflake.

Also, which flow should we be using? Authentication and Authorization Flows

What we want to achieve is this.

  1. A web application accepts a user login (username + password pair).
  2. Web application authenticates this user login credential via Auth0.
  3. Web application then makes a call to Snowflake using the user credentials (so that we may limit what data the user can access in Snowflake) to retrieve data.