Collect email using OICD enterprise connection in B2C scenario

I’m trying to figure out if a scenario will work with Auth0 and if so what extensions (branding, rules, flows etc.) we should look into.

  • B2C
  • Authentications:
    – Customers with traditional email/password
    – Customers using an external IDP via enterprise connection OIDC. The IDP will return uniqueid, name and dob but no email.

For a new user, when returned from the external IDP, Auth0 should collect/verify (user input) email-address before creating the user in the Auth0 database including the email address before returning the user to the app. No user password should be used.

For an existing user, when returned from the external IDP, Auth0 return claims such as email (from Auth0 db), name/dob (directly from external idp).

Thanks for any input!