Chrome Process Stalls When Using IdentityModel.OidcClient with Auth0 API

Hi everyone,

I’m facing an issue with Chrome when using the IdentityModel.OidcClient library to handle authentication via Auth0.

What happens:

  • The browser launches successfully.
  • The correct Auth0 authorization URL is populated in the address bar.
  • However, the process stalls — the browser just sits idle and doesn’t proceed with the authentication flow.

If I manually refresh the browser, the flow resumes, and a popup is launched, completing the process successfully. Interestingly, this issue is specific to Chrome and edge; Firefox works perfectly and handles the flow smoothly without any intervention.

What I’ve verified so far:

  1. The redirect URL is correctly configured in my Auth0 settings.
  2. The Chrome executable path is properly set for Process.Start.
  3. There are no network issues affecting access to Auth0.

Has anyone encountered this behavior or have suggestions for a fix?

Thanks in advance!

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I am also facing the same issue using OidcClient PrepareLoginAsync method and passing the StartUrl in Process.Start, sometimes the authentication pop-up appears and sometimes not.

Below is the code snippet.

var options = new OidcClientOptions
Authority = apiUrl,
ClientId = clientId,
Scope = scopes,
RedirectUri = _redirectUri

var client = new OidcClient(options);

var state = await client.PrepareLoginAsync();