Change Public Application to Confidential


The documentation shows how to check if an Application is Confidential or Public (Check if Application is Confidential or Public), but it doesn’t mention how to change this.

Is there a way to update a Public Application to be Confidential?


Hi @chris9

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Thank you for posting your question. To consider your Application as Confidential, it must follow the guidelines of confidential apps:

Confidential applications can hold credentials in a secure way without exposing them to unauthorized parties. They require a trusted backend server to store the secret(s).

Grant types

Confidential applications use a trusted backend server and can use grant types that require specifying their Client ID and Client Secret (or alternative registered credentials) for authentication when calling the Auth0 Authentication API Get Token endpoint. Confidential applications can use Client Secret Post, Client Secret Basic, or Private Key JWT authentication methods.

These are considered confidential applications:

ID tokens

Because confidential applications are capable of holding secrets, you can have ID tokens issued to them that have signed in one of two ways:

  • Symmetrically, using their client secret (HS256)
  • Asymmetrically, using a private key (RS256)

You need to adjust your authentication settings and use methods to see your application as confidential.


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