Can't see any edit option on flows

I can’t see any option to edit the flows. Even there is no start node as per doc. I was following this doc.*15o5st8*_gcl_au*Njc4NjI3MDI1LjE3MzYxNzcwNTY.*_ga*NTAyNTA2Nzk0LjE3MzYxNzcwNTc.*_ga_QKMSDV5369*MTczOTg5ODc2OC4xMi4xLjE3Mzk4OTg5MDguMTUuMC4w

Do I have to do something else?

Hi @shivam.singh

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

You should be able to edit the Flows inside Auth0 Forms by either going to Forms → Flows → Select the Flow you want to edit → Click on the Action which needs to be Edited OR Forms → Forms → Click on the Flow you want to Edit → Edit Flow

The Start node is there by default, you do not need to modify it.

If you have any other questions, feel free to let me know!

Kind Regrads,

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It was my mistake, I was using safari for edit that’s why no edit options are visible. Chrome works fine.

Hi again!

Thank you for letting us know!

If you need anything else, feel free to leave another reply or post again on the community!

Kind Regrads,

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