I can’t see any option to edit the flows. Even there is no start node as per doc. I was following this doc. https://auth0.com/docs/customize/forms/configure-progressive-profile-form?_gl=1*15o5st8*_gcl_au*Njc4NjI3MDI1LjE3MzYxNzcwNTY.*_ga*NTAyNTA2Nzk0LjE3MzYxNzcwNTc.*_ga_QKMSDV5369*MTczOTg5ODc2OC4xMi4xLjE3Mzk4OTg5MDguMTUuMC4w
You should be able to edit the Flows inside Auth0 Forms by either going to Forms → Flows → Select the Flow you want to edit → Click on the Action which needs to be Edited OR Forms → Forms → Click on the Flow you want to Edit → Edit Flow