Can't find the Login flow

I am following the guide at /docs/customize/forms/configure-progressive-profile-form

However, I can’t identify the Login Flow.

In the Dashboard (manage. auth0. com) side panel, under Actions, I only have Triggers, Forms and Library.

In the Flows List (forms. auth0. com), there are no flows.

What am I missing? Do I need to make any additional configurations?

Hi @daryne77

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!
Reading through the documentation that you provided, the Login Flow referenced would be regarding the Post Login Trigger. On the side-panel in your Auth0 Dashboard, click on Actions → Triggers → Post-Login, this will put in on the same flow chart as the one in the documentation and you should be able to move forward with the steps.

Thank you for bringing up this discrepancy, we don’t want to create more confusion so this is good to have eyes on!

Hope this helped,

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