Can't build flutter app

I’m new to flutter and want to integrate Auth0 universal login by following this tutorial.Auth0 Flutter SDK Quickstarts: Add login to your Flutter app. However, I got stuck on the build step, as I consistently hit the error says, I need latest version.

But for the latest flutter setup, there’s no ext.kotlin_version = '<latest-version>' in C:\dev\demo\android\build.gradle. Wonder if I can get some help with it. Thanks.

Hi there @jinnielazzy ,

Looking at the error message, the build.gradle file on the Android project level (and not on the app level build.gradle file) is missing information about the newest version of Kotlin.

Could you please navigate to your current Android project folder and add this line to the build.gradle file?
ext.kotlin_version = ‘2.0.0’

I’m not really familiar with the syntax of a gradle file, but it would be something like:

buildscript {
ext.kotlin_version = '2.0.0'
dependencies {
//Any dependencies here}
repositories {
//Any relevant repos}

Does this solve the issue?

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