Can you require tenant users to use MFA?

Tenant users have a lot of access to create their own tokens, invite new users, increase access etc. It would nice if we could force tenant users to setup and use MFA to keep this access more secure. I can’t find a way to do this though (each individual can choose to use MFA or not). Is it possible to require MFA for tenant users?

Hi @asterns1,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Yes, tenant members can setup MFA. To do so, please navigate to your Auth0 Dashboard and click on Your Profile on the top right. On that page, you should see options to set up Multi-Factor Authentication.


Thanks for the response! I was actually wondering if it’s possible to require MFA for tenant users. I see that it’s possible for each individual tenant user to choose to set up MFA if they want to, but no apparent way to force them to do so. Is that correct? Or is there a way to require MFA for all tenant users?

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Hi @asterns1,

Thanks for following up.

That is correct. Unfortunately, each tenant member will have to configure MFA on their profile in order to enforce MFA during login.

I recommend reaching out to each of your tenant members and have them set up MFA. You can see which tenant members have MFA enabled by going to your Auth0 Dashboard > Settings > Tenant Members.

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Thanks @rueben.tiow, this is helpful. I imagine one way around this might be to set up federation for tenant users into the corporate IDP (which would have its own MFA policy). Is this possible to do?

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Hi @asterns1,

Thank you for your reply.

I am not entirely sure but this sounds possible to set up a federation for your tenant users to enforce your own MFA policy. I recommend giving it a try and letting us know how it goes.


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