Can webtasks created via wt-cli be used as custom database action scripts?


I’ve been struggling to understand exactly how database action scripts wrap/integrate webtasks behind the scenes. The documentation for database actions mentions using webtasks behind the scenes but doesn’t mention any limitations to that integration.

Is it possible to write a full fledged webtask, with custom npm modules, and use that for a custom database’s login script? If so, how would I direct Auth0 to run that particular webtask for that particular database action?

Hi @nickc,

I apologize for the extended delay on the answer for this question. I would like to reopen it if you are still running into the problem.

The custom database scripts are running in a webtask, like you mentioned. I would imagine you could integrate a full fledged webtask by making a call to it. Is there something specifically that can’t be done in the custom DB script that you would like to do?


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